Thursday, July 07, 2011


In Case You Haven't Heard.....



Greg and I are honored to announce the engagement of Cheyenne and Nathan.  We are all giddy with excitement and ready to begin planning a wedding.  But most of all, we are blessed beyond measure that God has brought these two together to be united as one.  Nathan is every bit the man we prayed for our daughter since she was a baby.  We are truly thankful for His goodness and faithfulness, and look forward to witnessing their lives together. 

Aren't they the cutest?!

(photos taken by Bethany Warren and Robin Klein)


  1. Idaho Gramie10:21 AM

    YES, YES, YES!! God is sooo good. We are looking forward to their wedding and welcoming our first Grandson-in-law. Nathan and Cheyenne have extraodinary parents as role models who raised them as honorable and Christ loving people. Congratulations and many blessings! We love you both!

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