Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Celeste Turns 15

Happy Birthday Celeste

A night out to see Wicked (above)...

Celeste is an amazing young lady. With a loving nature and a sweet spirit, she's always putting others first. She loves to serve and meets needs before asked. With her quick wit, she keeps us laughing. And with her deep, genuine love, she makes this world a better place. We love you, Celeste, and we're humbled and thankful to be your parents. You are a blessing! We hope you enjoy this day...and enjoy this year of being fifteen!

She's not afraid to have fun being silly...in public...at the zoo..

She's been my faithful week day running partner.....

She ran the 8 Miler with Blair and me.....and beat us.

Having fun fishing with Grandpa....
Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl. You are loved and cherished more than you know!


  1. Idaho Gramie10:39 AM

    Celeste, my sweet butterfly you have certainly grown into a remarkable young lady. Beauty and smarts! God is good :) I remember the day you were born and was struck by how peacefully sweet you were then, such a good baby and now you're such a kind and loving person...even though your big sister Cheyenne thought you bit her :) Hummmm, I wonder???? I'm also amazed at how you can try anything and be so good at it, but your cooking skills still surprise me, in that how you do it so easily and are so good at it! We are so proud of you and know God has wonderful and great things in store for your life. I can't wait to see what they are, but I still will always see you as our sweet little number five gift..Celetse. A big birthday hug from me and G-pa and much love.

  2. HAPPY 15th Princess!!!! You continue to do spectacular things. Your large and extended family is very proud of you..oh, side note, you are DAZZLING in formal attire!!

    Hugs and best wishes

    Grandma Judy

  3. Happy 15th Celeste! I'm looking forward to spending time with you next month and am very glad that we could include you in the trip. I'm anxious to show you off to my mom and dad, so that they see that "I" have the best grandkids of the bunch! :?)

    Love you, Grandpa


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