Thursday, April 10, 2008

Purity Ring Photos

(Full Story Below)

Greg sharing stories from Cheyenne's early childhood..........

More stories..........

Presenting the ring........
Greg placing on the ring........

I LOVE this picture...............

End of "ceremony"...........


The gang.........
Thank you, Longenbaugh's, for the use of your camera. We wouldn't have captured these memories had it not been for you!


  1. those are precious!

  2. How beautiful! These will be memories Cheyenne will carry with her for the rest of her life. What an inspiration your family is to my family.

  3. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Beautiful! I love the expressions on Greg's face. It is so awesome to see that unique love a father has for his daughter. And we just LOVE Cheyenne. You all are such an example to us younger families!

  4. That brought tears to my eyes! Cheyenne is such a beautiful young woman, inside and out.

  5. Thank you for sharing the pictures, what a beautiful tradition!

  6. I LOVE the pics


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