Monday, January 07, 2008


Baby Genevieve is 7lbs 14oz. 20 1/4in long.

Mama is better. She is sitting up and eating a few bites of egg and drinking some juice. BP is looking much better now. Janet is even smiling and joking now. She still has not been able to nurse yet but we are hopeful that will be very soon.

I wish you could smell this house! Shannon came over right after the birth and is making a huge pot of soup. The smell has reached Candace all the way upstairs and she cant wait to try it.

More later, Aubrey for all here


  1. Glad to hear you are doing better I was worried about you! I am normally not home during the day since I work at the high school my eight year baby is home sick with walking pnemonia for the second time since November. I'm not glad that Dill is sick but I'm glad I was home to watch the computer to see how you were and that your sweet baby girl arrived safely!! I will keep praying that you continue to feel better!!

  2. That is so cool! That is how much I weighed as a baby. LOL I am so glad that you are feeling better and I cannot wait to see the pictures. We love you and will continue to pray. Can't wait to hear the birth story. Everyone there should write in their own words the birth story from their point of view. It is always so neat to go back and read your birth story, especially from others who were there. Enjoy the precious gift!

  3. I am so glad that Candy is doing better!!! RELIEF!!! My prayers are still with all of you....MUCH love and give that baby lots of kisses for me!

  4. I just emailed Adam to tell him the great news....he asked me to tell you Congrats!!!!!

  5. Praise God for recovery!! And for friends who are good cooks :-) Hope Genevieve keeps loving her fingers a bit longer!

  6. Congratulations Candace!!! Great job!


  7. Congratulations Sabo family!

  8. Welcome Genevieve! Happy Birthday!


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