Ahhh, sleep is a beautiful thing! Even in the small things God is faithful to answer our prayers.
Over the last couple of weeks, Ethan has NOT been sleeping through the night. It seems as if each night he had been waking up more and more, with the worst being the night before last. He woke up EVERY. TWO. HOURS! Just like a newborn. Except not even my newborns wake up every two hours. Needless to say, I've been exhausted!
After several days of this, I have felt like a zombie..... just barely making it through my days. Each night I would go to bed thinking "tonight he'll be back to normal". He wasn't going back to normal, even after the transition from portacrib to crib!
So, last night, at my weariest witt's end, I went before the Lord and included in my bedtime prayers, the request that God would allow Ethan to sleep better. Just "better" than he has in the nights before.
I'm so thankful to report that Ethan not only slept better, but that God allowed him to sleep ALL NIGHT!! I can't tell you how good that felt to get a whole night's rest. I went to bed early last night out of sheer exhaustion and didn't even open my eyes until 6:10am!
Praise be to God!
Just as His eye is on the sparrow.... His eye, also, is on the overly tired mommy who humbly asks Him for a "better" night's sleep!
Thank you, Father!
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What a blessing! It's amazing that you were able to sleep that long! When my babies do that I tend to wake up midway through the night in a panic! But now only was Ethan able to sleep better, so were you!